This is the web site of a research project funded by the Austrian Academy of Sciences from November 2022 to October 2025. It involves the University of Graz, the University of Salzburg, the three Austrian UNESCO Global Geoparks, and various international partners.
University of Graz University of Salzburg Steirische Eisenwurzen UNESCO Global Geopark Erz der Alpen UNESCO Global Geopark Karawanken/Karavanke UNESCO Global Geopark UNESCO Global Geoparks Austrian Academy of Sciences
Erz der Alpen UNESCO Global Geopark
Why do the mountains in the background look so much more rugged than the hills in the foreground?
Rock fall and earth flow processes, Karawanken/Karavanke UNESCO Global Geopark
What are the implications of geological hard-on-soft situations?
Wildalpen Landslide, Steirische Eisenwurzen UNESCO Global Geopark
Why do we know the time of the year when this landslide occurred?
The project aims at exploring the role of landslides as geosystem services, with a particular focus on environmental education at the three Austrian UNESCO Global Geoparks.

The project

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The team

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The digital resources

Explore visualizations of the moving mountains.


The publications

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Please cite this site and its content as: Mergili, M., 2023. The moving mountains. Landslides as geosystem services in Austrian geoparks.